Monday, May 9, 2016

Coordinated Access in Action in Tarrant County – Housing Inventory

This week we are publishing the remaining three blog posts in our Coordinated Access series. For the full picture, go back and read the first three, if you have not done so yet:

The counterpart of supply is demand. It does no good to streamline your supply (of persons), if the demand (housing units) side of the equation is not systematized. The TCHC team realized that this supply needed to be carefully managed in real time, as does any housing market. However, this task was much greater given the different types of housing stock, with different requirements and stipulations. Some housing is permanent supportive housing, some is transitional housing, and some is rapid rehousing. Some is for veterans and some is for persons with HIV/AIDS. Some is for single men and women and some is for families. And that accounts just for housing with formal programs for the homeless. Outside of this, there are housing units of public housing authorities, tax credit rental properties, second chance rental housing and more. Therefore, the TCHC created the Priority Status – Housing Inventory Chart (the DOPS HIC) to manage the supply, and know the real time status of each and every unit in the system, i.e. available, committed or filled. A full time Housing Inventory Specialist or HIC Specialist was designated to manage the chart, with all the nuances and requirements of the different types of units in it, and to make sure that units were filled quickly once vacated. However, as above, this was only part of that employee’s task. This person was also to find and manage units for those who did not have room in or did not qualify for units within the homeless response system. As a correlate to that, this person would also work on a “ready to rent” program for individuals who do not belong in the system itself, who can be certified through 18 hours of training, as “ready to rent” making them more attractive to landlords.
The TCHC version of the DOPS HIC:


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